
Meet the Wisconsin State Champions!


Logan Janssen

Logan Janssen is the epitome of how spending so much time playing chess can have an effect on your sense of humor. He loves dissing people, and one day aspires to be a douchebag lawyer. He holds a unique ability to turn anyone under 95 lbs into a puddle. His playstyle is reminiscent of the Americans in WWII, taking a long time to get involved, but then completely dominating.

Ross Hansen

Ross Hansen is the prodigal son of our Lord and Savior Bryan Fay. His hobbies include drinking beer, keeping his grades at a steady 1.5 GPA, and playing football. He has never felt the touch of a woman, and as long as he keeps playing chess as much as he does, he never will. Ross invented the queenside castle, and is a great fan of the Belarus gambit - a devestating chess opening that will follow the opponent even outside of the game.

Miles Wenberg

Miles Wenberg is what you get when you cross a somewhat nerdy guy and a pile of radioactive material. His hobbies include shooting stuff, shooting alive stuff, and sliding rocks on ice (truly incredible skillset). He never fails to punch people whenever they mention his girlfriend. He plays chess as if he wants his opponent to suffer, locking the position, and then waiting for two hours to draw the game.

David Trzebiatowski

David Trzebiatowski is a man of many talents. A man of great dedication, he once spent almost an hour sawing a coconut in half. A man of immense computer skills, he managed to create a spinning gigachad on a website. His talents also sometimes carry over to the chess board, where he can be found either making a brilliant move that only a computer would make, or dropping a piece.

Darek Trzebiatowski

Darek Trzebiatowski is someone who you don't want to mess with. Standing at 4'2" and deadlifting 405 lbs, he is built like a goblin, and acts like one too. He is currently undergoing treatment for his ongoing Rust addiction, as well as an addiction to a daily cookie, we only hope that he is cured. He plays chess like he would rather physically beat his opponent, attacking fast and devastatingly.


Bryan Fay

Coach Fay is a busy man. He is a substitute teacher for the Waupaca School District, owns and manages many apartments, is an engineer, and is obviously a chess coach. Somehow he still finds time to learn how to manage the hellish nightmare that is the pairings and tiebreaks of chess tournaments. He is always building people up, while simultaneously nagging them to come to tournaments.

Craig Gadzinski

Coach Craig will beat you down. He is not afraid of telling you exactly what you are doing wrong and how bad you are. However, he will also help you fix it, and probably tell you how a world renowned chess player would have played it, while pulling up the exact game. Occasionally blind while playing chess, Coach Craig is the perfect know-it-all.

Jeremy "Biggals" Reedy

A gentle giant, Biggals is one of the nicest people in the Skittles Room. He is an incredible person, comedian, and basketball player. He is always there to make you laugh, and provide a chess insight. He is just an amazing human being.